Sunday, December 7, 2008

Robbed again- Yippee!

Good Afternoon,
Well, Ozell and I went out to a club called Amerika last night.  It was a really large club that holds around 2500 people or so.  We were having a decent enough time until the end of the night.  We went to a really crowded 'dark area' to make a walk though and make out some before we left.  I have never had to fight so many hands off my genitals before.  This was a mixed club and was not exclusively gay.  People were getting blow jobs and some fucking was going on, but I don't know how because it was just a sea of people pushed up against each other.  In any case, I was wearing cargo pants which I felt were my most secure type of pants- much more so than my jeans.  I had my wallet with about 60 pesos and my California drivers license in one of cargo pockets.  Then I had a city map and a 100 peso bill in my opposite cargo pocket.   I have been purposely separating my money when I go out ever since I was robbed the first time.  Sometimes I keep my extra money in my sock, but tonight I did not.  Well, with being in this area for 5 minutes or so, and even with constant hand checking my pockets to ensure my stuff was still there, I was robbed.  I presume that fighting off so many hands from my dick served as an adequate distraction for someone else to open my cargo pockets and left out my wallet, map, and 100 peso bill.  :(
I was and still am very angry and disgusted since I thought I had made the appropriate changes since the first time I was robbed in Lima.  The 160 pesos is not a ridiculous amount of money.  It's about $50 US.  But that is a full day's budget and this has been an expensive city already because of the private apartment we are renting.  I am more concerned about my drivers license because now neither of us (Ozell's was stolen in Valparaiso) has a drivers license so even if we did want to rent a car at some point, we will not be able to.  But the more optimistic side is that my drivers license had the address of my residence two residences ago so it was outdated anyways.  I was going to have to get a new one when I returned and knew where I was going to live in the States.
Actually, the thing that may upset me the most is the lost of the wallet.  It was a good wallet, and I will probably have to spend $30-$40 US to replace it.  That is almost another day's budget. 
The worst part of it is just when I think we both had sort of lost the bad taste in our mouths about what a thieving group of people South Americans are, here we are hit with it again.  I know there are good people on this continent- I have met some of them.  But I can't help but think that all these countries also have the lowest of the low, scum bag, shit suckers that I have ever come across.  Stealing is rampant not just through the illegitimate acts of downright robbery and pick pocketing.  It is rampant in the legitimate services of taxis, stores, and companies like Peru Rail.
It sickens me.
Well, sleeping on it has made me feel better, and I can't ruin my time by dwelling on the past.  I can only try to be even more vigilant and cynical-  the latter of which is not a positive.
More about some of the other neighborhoods of Buenos Aires in a subsequent post.
Ciao for now,


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