Saturday, December 20, 2008

Yes, I appear to be a little "thin"...

Good Evening Everyone,
One of our German friends was recently chatting with Ozell online and commented that, "Sean is looking thin."  I think he would have chosen "emaciated" if his English vocabulary allowed.  He was most likely looking at the picture attached to this post which is part of the Montevideo photo album.
And yes, I would be very curious to know what I weigh currently.  When I was back in San Diego I was holding steady between 175-180 lbs.  I am between 6'2" and 6'3" (189 cm or so).  When we started the trip in Toronto our couch surfing host had a scale.  I stepped on it, and it read 163 lbs one day and then 161 lbs the last day.  I claimed that the scale was not very accurate, but the host testified that it was accurate.  Ozell then also used the scale and got the weight that he was expecting for himself.  His weight has barely fluctuated over the last decade.  So I was pretty pleased that I was getting in shape.
I do think I am currently in the best cardiovascular shape that I have been in since I quit playing college club volleyball.  There has been practically no weed on this trip and no snack food.  A little bit of both once in a great while.  My stomach is flat and even has some abs including the lower ones coming through.  Unfortunately, in the attached picture, this is not as prevalent as it usually is because my lower belly was storing 3 days worth of food at the time since I was not able to shit for that duration.  I look a little bloated.  However, the disappointing part has been that the exercise I am getting is almost all from walking.  My legs are pretty solid and tight, but none of my other muscles get much of a workout.  I have been trying to do some pushups and dips every couple or few days to keep some muscle tone in the upper body, but it does not seem to be working.  As you can see from the pic, you can see my breast bone and ribs in between my atrophied pecs.  I don't really like that.  I will try to work a little harder with the push ups.
So, yes, I feel really good with the lungs and heart.  I would like to know what my blood pressure is now.  That would be interesting.  But I am really curious to know what I weigh.  If I had to guess, I must be down to 155lbs or so which I have not weighed since I graduated from undergrad at Ohio State.  I am not taking pride in this.  I would like to get my weight up to 165lbs with more muscle ideally.
There will be another post soon which discusses some of the things I have really liked on this trip- the small stuff that makes the difference and provides all the color...
Ciao for now,


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