Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Statue...

Here is a pic of the statue.  Sorry it is from the backside, but the sun was too bright from the front.  We have some pics of the front, but the statue is mainly silhouetted.  Those pics will be posted in the album.  It is the largest art deco statue in the world.  I learned that factoid today.


At March 5, 2009 4:00 AM , Blogger The Wagner Family said...

Thanks again for pictures and commentary. These are places we would never get to see. We miss you. Hope you remain safe

At March 5, 2009 8:04 AM , Anonymous Sean Mulcahy said...

Hey Greg, Molly, Kurtis, Patrick, and Katelyn! Yes, we are still safe in Rio. We have not had anything bad happen to us yet (knock-on-wood) except for a little bit on money being stolen from Marcin. We leave tomorrow for Sao Paulo and to get ready to fly to Africa.

I will try to upload pics of Rio as soon as possible to the site...



At March 9, 2009 8:19 PM , Anonymous Evan said...

You shoulda tried to get the sun directly behind the statue...then it woulda gotten that "INCREDIBLY HOLY" Look... (I said HOLY...like religious, not HORNY...but then again...maybe it is...)


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