Saturday, January 31, 2009

Nova Schin!- or how we were almost in a Brazilian beer commercial.

Hello Everyone,
Probably my favorite thing about taking the extended trips that I take is just walking in whatever location I happen to be. I rarely prefer to take public transportation of any sort. Buses are better than subways because at least you can see out the windows of the buses. I would rather walk 10 km through a city than take a cab. I really like walking because it is when I see the things that provide the local color of the city or town. It is when I see the things that make me laugh, smile, amused, interested, enlightened, disheartened, disappointed, and a host of other emotional states.
Admittedly, in the case of the attached pic to this post, we did not have to walk very far. When Ozell and I were staying in the pousada in Salvador with the ocean view, just few steps outside our door step a Nova Schin (Brazilian beer) commercial was being staged and filmed. The attached picture really sucks and does not do justice to the scene in the small cobblestoned square. There were samba dancers, devils, punk rockers, business professionals, wrestlers, Liberace pianos, soccer players, Carnivalers, and a host of other people in costumes. All I could gather is that the theme was every demographic enjoys and has fun with Nova Schin!
I really wish I had better pictures showing the people in costumes. They were pretty ornate and interesting.
Anyways, I thought to myself that it would be really cool if we could finagle our way into the commercials as extras in the street parade. But they didn't have any extras. Everyone in the commercial had a specific part to play. It also probably didn't help that we were carrying a twelve pack of Skol which is another Brazilian beer, and I would surmise the chief competitor of Nova Schin. LOL


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