Sunday, November 9, 2008

Election 2008-

Hey All,
Just a note about the 2008 Election.  Ozell and I watched the election returns at the bar of the hostel we were at in La Paz.  La Paz was an hour ahead of the east coast so it wasn't too long of a night.  I was tired though and went to bed after the race was called for Obama.  I asked Ozell to wake me up when McCain and Obama gave their speeches though.  We had CNN on the tv, political websites on the computer, and some of my talk radio shows streaming online.  Hence, the pic attached to this blog post.  Lol
Everyone in the hostel was interested in the election so the bar was crowded with travelers from all over.  We were one of the few Americans.  There are not many Americans traveling through South America we have learned.  There have mainly been English, Irish, and Australians.  Of course, there have been others too.  The owner of the hostel, which was also a microbrew hence the hostel name: Adventure Brew Hostel, came up to us and asked who we voted for.  He was an Obama supporter.  Like I mentioned previously, I voted for Cynthia McKinney because out of the choices I had, she was the most aligned with my views.  Everyone was very happy to see Obama win except two 18 year old Americans who were actually working at the hostel.  They were from some rich town an hour outside of NYC and claimed to be Republicans.  I thought that was strange at first because I don't know anyone who travels outside of the USA who also is a Republican.  Traveling the world does not lend itself to a Republican perspective.  But then I realized that they were 18 years old and probably didn't know anything but what was spoon fed to them by their parents.  At 18, they were most likely traveling on Mommy's and Daddy's money.  I was conservative at 18 too for the very same reason.
I definitely would agree that Obama was the superior choice between himself and McCain.  McCain/Palin would have been an absolute travesty and possibly the end of our republic.  However, I am not giddy or overly optimistic with Obama.  From the news reports and even this past week's South Park episode (we happen to stumble across it online last night), it appears that people are almost in rapture with Obama's win.  I think that is dangerous.  I don't believe he is going to change very much at all.  I don't think he is interested in restoring Constitutional law.  He is beholden to the same corporations as any Democrat or Republican.  When he starts repealing the Patriot Act, FISA 2008, and the Military Commissions Act and initiates criminal investigations of the Bush/NeoCon Crime Syndicate, then I will be more optimistic.  Speaking of which, two congressmen, which could not be farther apart on the political spectrum in many ways, have co-authored and co-sponsored a bill which begins to undo some of the Constitutional damage of the last 8 years.   Dennis Kucinich (who was my favorite presidential candidate during the primaries) and Ron Paul (the Republican/Libertarian) have introduced a bill that would repeal FISA, the Military Commissions Act, and re-establish that torture is torture and fucking illegal in America.  I really hope it passes.
I was also disappointed to see the alcohol ban for San Diego beaches and the gay marriage ban for California pass.  I won't get into a long rant (just a short one! hahahaha)  about how fucking much I don't respect christians- and I don't- and the gay marriage ban wasn't what started me reviling this death cult.  And people who know me, know that I have little respect for pretty much all of the major religions and their superstitions.  Christians just happen to be the dominant cult in our country.  People think that makes me an atheist, but that isn't true either.  I just think that the "literal word of god" rather he be Allah, Jehovah, or the Trinity (the fact that god has a penis is another indicator at the true motivation of these cults) is no more worthwhile than the fairy tales of Mother Goose- some good stories that teach some lessons on how to be a decent human being mixed in with a bunch of horseshit.  I was really disappointed with all of the pro-gay marriage ban comments I read online.  It would have been one thing if those comments said something like, "The bible tells me that homosexuality is wrong (amongst a bunch of other things that most christians do every day) so I support the marriage ban."  Instead, what I mainly read was a bunch of crap about how their 5-year olds were going to be taught about gay marriage in kindergarten and how their churches were going to be forced to marry gays, and how their churches were going to lose their tax exempt status.  All of which are complete fabrications and lies spoon fed to them by their respective clergies to scare the shit out of them.  But that makes perfect sense doesn't it?  Feeding people lies to scare the shit out of them is exactly what christianity has been doing for 1500 years so they should be pretty good at it.
I was also disappointed, but obviously not surprised, to see Nancy Pelosi returned to congress with 70% of the vote.  She is a worthless cunt who has as bloody hands and is as responsible as anyone in the Bush administration.  I am a firm believer she took "impeachment off the table" solely because investigations would have implicated her as knowing and approving torture techniques when she was the ranking minority member on the House Intelligence Committee.  She is also impotent and spineless and a horrible Speaker of the House.  I hope she rots.  And San Franciscans are really stupid people for sending her back.
Tomorrow, more about the La Paz prison and our first couple days here in Santiago.  We had a blast at one of the clubs last night.  And finally a gay club that knows how to put on a fucking great show for my $8 cover!  :)  DJ Nikno in San Diego- you completely suck and your bars suck.
Enough negativity with the Election- happy Sean will  be back tomorrow.
The trip is going great.  I have slimmed down to the point where I have  legitimate six pack abs again!!  Probably the first time since I returned from New Zealand!!!  I weighed only 161 lbs when we were in Toronto.  I am going to guess that I am near 155 lbs now.  
Ciao for now...


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